Thanks to everyone who listened in to Terry Thiele and me on Aurora’s IntelCollab webinar yesterday. Great fun and great questions!

One in particular that came at the end of the call was:  If and how to implement intelligence in a Start-Up; and how intelligence in an Start-Up might differ from that in an established enterprise?

Because we were at the hour mark, we couldn’t explore this question to the level it really deserves. What Terry and I did note is that a Start-Up has a very different mission than an established enterprise and that Start-Ups, by their very nature, tend to be staffed by great natural researchers, analysts and puzzle-solvers. An intel mindset and set of activities is a huge part of the Start-Up’s day-to-day business.

To keep this conversation going, I saw a Blog post today that speaks directly to the organizational differences between Start-Ups and Established Enterprises.

Why Companies Are Not Start-Ups

This is a great place to start, given Terry’s advice yesterday to “know thy organization” in order to design and implement the right intelligence program. What’s your experience?